Sunrise Gratitude
Sunrise Gratitude
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Start every day with Sunrise Gratitude, a collection of 365 guided meditations accompanied by lush photographs of nature that will guide your mind to a place of calm awareness and purpose—the perfect companion to Moonlight Gratitude.
As the sun rises, it can be hard to motivate yourself to wake up and start your busy schedule, but with this gorgeous book you’ll learn to heighten your awareness, so you start the day feeling refreshed and ready to be your best self.
Sunrise Gratitude will naturally calm your thinking as you learn to understand your mind in the morning for a tranquil daily routine. You’ll wake up with a peaceful, purposeful mindset—ideal for when you need a little pick-me-up to make you feel ready to take on the day.
Sample meditations:
February 20
Living intentionally creates a soulful reason behind our actions. When we take the time to focus on what we want and why we want it, we can narrow our focus. Instead of allowing our thoughts to run wild, focusing shapes our reality. Wherever our focus goes, growth can take place. Creating an intention with focus will reap rewards. In fact, it may not happen exactly as you would envision, but it will happen as it should.
June 21
Each of us has a gift to share with the world. We are born with these gifts or develop them, and they burn like a fire inside our souls. We are all creative in our own way. It takes courage to create and share something that comes from the soul—and your gift is best when shared. You never know who may need to receive your gift. Sometimes all we need is an audience of one. Create without expectation. Let the fire within you bring passion and light into the world.
Easily implement calm, gratitude, and meditation into your daily habits with the Daily Gratitude series. These inspiring books guide you through the process of building mindful habits for your preferred schedule or personal goals. They are beautifully designed and elegantly put together to make your journey enjoyable as well as simple.
Also available from the series: Moonlight Gratitude and Moon Meditations.
After spending many successful years working for corporations, Emily Silva decided to take the leap and quit her job to pursue her dreams. She had experience with training and coaching in the banking and wine industries and enjoyed helping others overcome obstacles and achieve goals, so she became a Life and Spiritual Coach. Silva believes everyone has the power to create the lives they dream of. It takes courage, openness, drive, and sometimes someone to hold them accountable and inspire them along the way. She is the author of Sunrise Gratitude, Moonlight Gratitude, and Find Your Glow, Feed Your Soul.
ISBN: 9781631066955
Publisher: Rock Point
Format: Hardback Paper over boards
Pub Date: 20200908
Series: Daily Gratitude
Number Within Series: 2
Height: 7.95 inches
Width: 6 inches
No. of Pages: 208
Illustrations: color illustrations
Category: SELF-HELP / Meditations
Category: SELF-HELP / Self-Management / Stress Management